Development Charges Study

Ontario’s Development Charges Act provides the legal framework within which municipalities recover growth-related capital costs from new development. Development charges are the one-time fees paid by developers to help finance the municipal infrastructure and services that are needed to support new growth.

2024 Development Charges Background Study

The Town of Tillsonburg and Oxford County development charge by-laws will expire in mid-2024. In order to pass new by-laws, the background studies must be updated. 

Background studies...

  • consider projected population and business/industry growth in the community
  • assess existing infrastructure
  • outline what services are needed to support that level of growth

What Tillsonburg residents need to know

  • At this time, the Town of Tillsonburg does not apply development charges to commercial and industrial developments. These classes are exempt.
  • Tillsonburg is currently considering whether to remove these discretionary exemptions as part of the 2024 Development Charges Background Study.
  • If the Town of Tillsonburg continues to exempt commercial and industrial classes, it will cost the Town $4.7 million over the next 10 years. This cost will be passed on to residential taxpayers.
  • In addition, the Province of Ontario is implementing statutory exemptions for certain types of housing. These statutory exemptions will cost the Town $10.5 million over the next 10 years. 
  • The cumulative impact of these discretionary and statutory exemptions is $15.1 million. This cost will need to be absorbed by residential taxpayers.
  • Oxford County is considering removal of industrial development charges. You can learn more about the County's Development Charges Background Study at

Notice of Public Meeting

On Monday, May 27, 2024 the Council of the municipality of Tillsonburg held a public meeting, pursuant to section 12 of the Development Charges Act, 1997, as amended, to present and obtain public input on the municipality’s proposed development charges (D.C.) by-law and underlying background study.

All interested parties were invited to attend the Public Meeting of Council and any person who attended the meeting had the opportunity to make representations relating to the proposed D.C. by-law and background study.

The meeting was held:

Monday, May 27, 2024
6:00 p.m.
Council Chambers (LPRCA Building)
4 Elm St. Tillsonburg

Adoption of the new Development Charges By-Law occurred on June 12, 2024.

View Notice of Passing


Resources to help you learn more  

About the More Homes Built Faster Act (Bill 23)

There have been a number of legislative changes that have been brought about by the More Homes Built Faster Act (Bill 23) that will need to be reflected in the background studies and by-laws. Some of the main changes to the Development Charges Act brought about by Bill 23 include:

  • Non-profit housing is now exempt from the payment of development charges.
  • Rental housing development will now receive mandatory reductions to development charges based on the number of bedrooms in each unit.
  • Mandatory exemptions have been introduced for affordable, attainable and inclusionary zoning units.
  • Development charges must now be phased in over a 5-year period.

Other relevant Provincial legislation includes:

  • Bill 109: More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022
  • Bill 97
  • Bill 134

Other useful links

Previous Tillsonburg Development Charges Background Studies

Tillsonburg Customer Service Centre

10 Lisgar Avenue

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