Notice of Tillsonburg Hydro Rate Hearing

Tillsonburg Hydro Inc. has applied to change its electricity distribution rates.

If the application is approved as filed, a typical residential customer and a typical general service customer of Tillsonburg Hydro Inc. would see the following increase:

  • Residential (750 kWh) $5.79 per month
  • General Service <50kW (>2,000 kWh) $0.00 per month

Other customers, including businesses, will also be affected. It’s important to review the application carefully to determine whether you may be affected by the proposed changes. 

There are three types of OEB hearings: oral, electronic and written. The applicant has applied for, and
the OEB plans to proceed with, a written hearing. If you think a different hearing type is needed, you
can write to us to explain why.

The OEB has initiated a pilot process aimed at reducing the regulatory burden associated with filing
and reviewing major rate applications for very small utilities (i.e., electricity distributors with fewer
than 5,000 customers).1 The applicant has requested that its application be subject to the pilot
process, which would allow for a one-day meeting prior to discovery where Tillsonburg Hydro Inc.,
OEB staff, and approved intervenors would discuss the application and the possibility of skipping
discovery and moving directly to a settlement conference. The OEB plans to proceed with the pilot
process. If you think the application should not be subject to the pilot process, then you can write to
us to explain why.

During this hearing, we will hear questions and arguments from participants about this case. We will
also hear questions and arguments from participants that have registered as Intervenors. After the
hearing, we will decide whether to approve the application.

You have the right to information about this application and to participate in the process.
Visit and use file number EB-2023-0053 to:

• Review the application
• File a letter with your comments
• Apply to become an intervenor

You must engage with the OEB on or before June 10, 2024 to:

• Provide input on the hearing type (oral, electronic or written)
• Apply to be an intervenor

If you do not, the hearing will move forward without you, and you will not receive any further notice of
the proceeding.

If you write a letter of comment, your name and the content of your letter will be put on the public
record and the OEB website. If you are a business or if you apply to become an intervenor, all the
information you file will be on the OEB website.



Ontario Energy Board
/TTY: 1 877-632-2727
Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Tillsonburg Hydro Inc.
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

This hearing will be held under section 78 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998.

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