Transportation Master Plan

The Town of Tillsonburg has retained Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited to develop the Town of Tillsonburg’s first Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The Plan will consider town-wide needs for all modes of travel and will guide future decisions on transportation improvements in Tillsonburg.

Have you filled out our survey yet? The deadline has been extended to July 12!

What is a Transportation Master Plan?

A Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is a strategic policy document that guides how a municipality’s transportation system will grow and develop over the long term.

The plan works together with a municipality’s Official Plan, which directs land use and development patterns. It also considers other master plans such as those concerning municipal servicing, parks and recreation, and economic development.

Generally, Transportation Master Plans:

  • examine current transportation issues within a community
  • assess existing and future growth patterns
  • determine the need for transportation improvements
  • establish policies to support the plan and maintain the transportation network

After a Transportation Master Plan is developed, more detailed studies and design activities for individual improvements may be completed as separate projects.

Why does Tillsonburg need a Transportation Master Plan?

Tillsonburg is changing in many ways:

  • With nearly 20,000 residents, Tillsonburg has seen significant growth (17.2%) since 2016 and was the fastest growing community in Oxford County between 2016 and 2021.
  • Tillsonburg is poised for additional growth, with approximately 23,000 residents forecast by 2041
  • The population is becoming more diverse.
  • The average age of residents is getting older.
  • The nature of work is changing and there are new opportunities on the horizon that may change where people live and work in the future.

A Transportation Master Plan (TMP) considers current trends, anticipates future needs, and makes recommendations to improve the way residents move around the community. 

More specifically, Tillsonburg's first Transportation Master Plan will:

  • Guide transportation investment decisions over the next 10 years and beyond
  • Recommend ways to optimize the performance of existing infrastructure
  • Consider sustainability and be accompanied by a phasing plan tied to growth, affordability and community priorities

The Transportation Master Plan will help the municipality proactively develop an integrated system of infrastructure and transportation services that can support the travel needs of the community into the future.

Transportation infrastructure typically refers to physical things such as:

  • roads and intersections
  • sidewalks
  • bike lanes
  • trails
  • parking lots
  • traffic signals
  • transit stops
  • signs

It may also refer to features that make facilities accessible for those with special mobility needs.

Transportation services include services typically delivered by the Town or the County for use by the public to help them move around the community. This could include:

  • public transit
  • crossing guards to help children cross busy roads near schools
  • traffic enforcement (by police) to ensure laws are followed
  • parking enforcement to ensure local rules (by-laws) are obeyed
  • issuing permits for use of the roadway (like oversize loads)
  • development of education programs for various users to improve safety
  • maintenance of the physical infrastructure items  

What will the Transportation Master Plan involve?

The Transportation Master Plan will assess the existing transportation network to identify potential improvements to meet current and future needs. Ultimately, the integrated plan will also provide a policy framework to support sustainable transportation practices and livable communities as the Town of Tillsonburg grows over time.

Four Phases of the Transportation Master Plan

The study will follow a four-phase approach:

  • Phase 1 – Foundation Building, where the project engagement plan will be developed, information gathering and data collection will be completed, and assessments of existing transportation network and services will be carried out. (March 2024)
  • Phase 2– Transportation Vision and Needs Assessment, where the current and future planning context for the community will be reviewed, a transportation vision will be developed to guide the plan development, growth forecasts will be assessed and Transportation Needs, Opportunities and Constraints will be identified.
  • Phase 3 – Transportation Plan Development, where alternatives will be developed and assessed, infrastructure recommendations identified, and new policies and standards updated and developed to support the future transportation vision.
  • Phase 4 – Transportation Plan Implementation and Reporting, where future costs will be estimated, priorities identified, an implementation and monitoring program developed, and final report prepared and presented to Council.

Note: Public engagement activities will carry on throughout the study in Phases 1 to 3.

How can I provide input on the Transportation Master Plan?

Public participation is an essential component of the Transportation Master Plan. Meaningful, two-way communication is important and will help ensure that the final plan aligns with the Town's vision and reflects unique community features.

Public and stakeholder engagement opportunities will include an online survey and two open house events where you can talk to the consultant team and Town staff. 

Phase One: Online Survey

Provide input on the Transportation Master Plan is by completing a short online survey. The survey addresses how residents travel in Tillsonburg and asks for ideas on how to improve our transportation network. Survey closes July 12, 2024. *NEW DATE

Phase 2: Open House

June 26, 2024
Tillsonburg Town Centre Mall - Centre Court
200 Broadway
4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Phase 3: Open House

Fall 2024

Where to get additional information about the Transportation Master Plan

For more information about the Transportation Master Plan or to provide comments, please send an email to our confidential email address at or contact one of the Project Managers as indicated below:

Jonathan Graham
Director of Operations & Development
Town of Tillsonburg
519-688-3009 x4400

Kevin Jones
Consultant Team Project Manager
Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited
416-479-9684 x513

Town of Tillsonburg
10 Lisgar Ave,
Tillsonburg, Ontario
N4G 5A5
Phone: 519-688-3009
Fax: 519-688-0759
Send an Email

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